Wednesday, July 25, 2012

To Weight Watch or Not to Weight Watch?

The age old least for me.

Sooo...lately, I've been feeling really depressed about the weight I've gained over the past few years, so I've been making small steps towards changing that. I haven't necessarily been eating right, but I've stopped eating as much, and I also cut down my fast food intake quite a bit. I don't exercise every day, but I try to work out at least 3 times a week. I take the stairs instead of the elevator (sometimes involuntarily), but I am making headway into changing myself.

However, I know some friends who have had success with Weight Watchers, and even some family members who have tried it, and now I'm wondering if it is for me. I think all the Jennifer Hudson commercials (damn that catchy song!) has finally broke me down to the point where I'm visiting the WW website more than I want to admit. After taking the free consulatation which told me I was obese (OBESE?!), I am even MORE convinced that this may be something useful for me. It has routine, accountability, and guidelines, all things that would be very helpful when its hard to lose weight/eat right. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the $, the monthly fee is $18.95, add that to the cost of a gym membership fee...I don't know. Plus all the money I have to spend on healthy food?! Ugh. It's cheaper just to be fat.

What do you think?
If you've done/known someone who has done/or just have an opinion about WW and think its worth the $, please leave a comment!

