Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Winter Part 2.

Well the weather outside is frightful...

 Hello all, and welcome to Winter! One of my favorite times of the year due to my birthday (December 4), Christmas, family, and foooood. :) I just want to give a quick update on everything that has been happening in life. I usually would do this in anachronistic order, but let's have a little order here, shall we people?

1) I weight watched, then I stopped. I want to say I was just happier with being fat. But that's not the case! I just got lazy and fell off the weight watchers bandwagon. It was cool at first, losing 10 lbs of water weight within the first few weeks while I was living on my own in Chicago, however, once I came home and no longer had the funds to buy my own groceries, well...let's just say points were irrelevant next to eating whatever free food was in the refrigerator. But before you call me a fat give-up, to my credit, I have joined a gym for a year's membership, and make it there as many days a week as I can. I have also managed to maintain my weight, not watch it increase. Yay! Let's go healthier/new me!

2) I made a little (blood) money. Okay, it wasn't really blood money. But I had to shed blood, sweat, and tears to get up at 4am to make it my new job by 6:30 am in the Financial District. It was decent money selling medicare insurance for a company that shall no longer be named, however, after reading a blog post by the beautiful Riva on her website, I decided that following my dream was much more important than making a quick buck and having the life sucked out of me.

3) I am writing again. Hence this post! I'm super excited, and looking forward to what my mind/hands will produce in the coming days.

4) I love the people around me.

5) Happiness is taking time, but I'm so focused on it (and God).  Things aren't perfect, and tears come very often, but I feel confident in knowing that with my efforts and God's love, I will truly attain the happiness in which I am seeking. It may not be in my way, but it will DEFINTELY be in His!

Thanks for reading/loving with me!

Until next time,

Jay <#


  1. Happy you are happy. I Honestly feel like a hypocrite when I speak of a "job", because I am working because I have to, unhappy with what I do, and not being able to ffocus on the needed parts of my 2nd job, I am working for the money. I am sure I am not the only one...but at this moment, I have to. Do what is your bbest way to live satisfied.

    1. thanks babe. you're def not the only one. It sucks because you have to do what you have to do, but remember you have one other person in your life who will support you should you choose to follow your dreams...and you have me!
